Suite Venus:

Music and Sounds from Venus on Mars

suite venus CD cover

Inspired by the novel, composed by Phill Sawyer


precambrian music

Phill Sawyer's long career in music and sound production covers pop music, rock and roll, and scoring and sound design for film and multimedia.




Soon after nothing, things took shape. Breaths were taken, words formed. We assumed our identities and aquired the practical skills we would need for the time we would spend as Earthlings.

After Image

Departing one's time on Earth is neither sudden nor precise. We linger in time and hover in space, waiting impatiently until our myriad futures become clear.

Dark Sky City

As the westward journey begins, we wonder at the unknown ahead. When the moment comes to experience it, we prepare ourselves as best we can. The window to the heavens opens. We arrive at our destination: good seeing, the culmination of everything previously imagined.


Amassing our treasures, we head straight into the pulsing storm, but we cannot hold on. The winds rearrange everything. When the skies clear, we are not anywhere we've been, but at last we can see who we have become.

Purchase Suite Venus on CD Baby


Plus Readings by Author Jan Millsapps

Lulu: First Look

Venus: Is Anybody Out There?